The Trousdale County Board of Education recognizes the need to provide equal educational opportunities for all students in the district. Therefore, if the inability to speak and understand the English language excludes a student from effective participation in the educational programs offered by the district, the district shall take appropriate action to rectify the English language deficiency in order to provide the student equal access to its programs. Students who have limited English proficiency (LEP) will be identified, assessed and provided appropriate services. No child will be admitted to or excluded from any program based solely on surname or language minority status.
The board directs the administration to develop and implement language instruction programs in which an LEP child is placed for the purpose of developing attaining English proficiency while meeting challenging state academic standards as required by law. The program may make instructional use of both English and a child’s native language and may include the participation of English proficient children if such course is designed to enable all participating children to become proficient in English and a second language.
The Language Instruction Program will:
- Appropriately identify LEP students through the use of a Student Home Language Survey. The building administrator shall develop procedures to ensure that all new and currently enrolled students complete the Home Language Survey.
- Appropriately identify students with limited English proficiency.
- Determine the appropriate instructional environment for LEP students.
- Annually assess the English proficiency of LEP students and monitor the progress of students receiving bilingual instruction in order to determine their readiness for the mainstream classroom environment.
- Provide families with notice of and information regarding the instructional program as required by law. familial involvement will be encouraged and families will be regularly apprised of their child’s progress.
Federal Definition of a Limited English Proficient Student
The term 'limited English proficient', when used with respect to an individual, means an individual— (A) who is aged 3 through 21; (B) who is enrolled or preparing to enroll in an elementary school or secondary school; (C)(i) who was not born in the United States or whose native language is a language other than English; (ii)(I) who is a Native American or Alaska Native, or a native resident of the outlying areas; and (II) who comes from an environment where a language other than English has had a significant impact on the individual's level of English language proficiency; or (iii) who is migratory, whose native language is a language other than English, and who comes from an environment where a language other than English is dominant; and (D) whose difficulties in speaking, reading, writing, or understanding the English language may be sufficient to deny the individual— (i) the ability to meet the State's proficient level of achievement on State assessments described in section 1111(b)(3); (ii) the ability to successfully achieve in classrooms where the language of instruction is English; or (iii) the opportunity to participate fully in society. TITLE III—LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION FOR LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENT AND IMMIGRANT STUDENTS