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The board directs the administration to identify migratory students in the district, as required by law, and to develop written administrative procedures for ensuring that migrant students receive services for which they are eligible. In developing and implementing a program to address the needs of migratory students the district will:

  1. Identify migratory students and assess the educational and related health and social needs of each student.
  2. Provide a full range of services to migrant students including applicable Title I programs, special education, gifted education, vocational education, language programs, counseling programs, elective classes, fine arts classes, etc.
  3. Provide migratory children with the opportunity to meet the same statewide assessment standards that all students are expected to meet.
  4. To the extent feasible, provide advocacy and outreach programs to migratory students and their families and professional development for district staff.
  5. Provide families an opportunity for meaningful participation in the program.

If a migrant student is identified by the district, the director of schools or designee will notify the Tennessee Department of Education and request assistance if needed.