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Trousdale County Elementary School
Title I School
Parent Involvement Plan



The staff at TCES will promote opportunities for parents to participate in the day–to–day activities of the school through the implementation of the following plan:

  • TCES will assist the Trousdale County School System in implementing their Parent Involvement Plan
  • TCES will collaborate with parents, teachers, and administrators in developing policies, organizing events, and contributing to the academic well–being of students
  • TCES will have a fall and spring Parent/Teacher Conference in order to report student progress and recommend strategies to help students be successful
  • TCES will notify parents of student progress by various means including: communication folders, report cards, letters home, telephone calls, PowerSchool, and Google Classroom
  • TCES will inform parents of county and school policies and procedures by providing access to a student handbook
  • TCES will promote family involvement through county–wide family involvement activities such as: school assemblies, student performances, awards programs, and book fairs
  • TCES will make an effort to be flexible in scheduling events and meetings in order to accommodate working parents and transportation difficulties

Thank you for your support and involvement in working together for success in student education. Please review the entire School/Parent/Student Compact and your responsibility as a partner.