Technology Plan
Adopted July 14, 2004
I. Vision Statement The Trousdale County Department of Education and its three schools, Trousdale County Elementary (Grades K-5), Jim Satterfield Middle School (Grades 6-8), and Trousdale County High School (Grades 9-12), along with the Trousdale County community, will access, manipulate, integrate, and communicate information within the department and the school setting as well as beyond. We intend to enhance current and future technologies. We intend to enhance learning and teaching as well. We will attempt to align our strategies with National and State plans.
II. Goals The Trousdale County Department of Education Technology Plan will attempt to allow for staff, student as well as community access. There are two major components to achieve this outcome. The Physical component includes availability of hardware, software, appropriate networks, and the latest technologies. The Knowledge component includes a plan for training students, staff, and the community in the use of technology to maximize its usefulness. The Department of Education will also strive to prepare students to be technology literate as measured by the Tennessee Instructional Technology Standards. The ultimate goal will be to provide experiences that will lead to improvements in the overall academic achievements of all students. We would hope that by the end of the 2004-2005 school year, at least 75% of our faculty members will be using technology as a part of their daily curriculum.
The Physical Component
Due to the overcrowding at all three schools, the Trousdale County Department of Education is currently constructing a new high school. When completed, the new school will house grades 9-12. The middle school will then move into the old high school building and the elementary school will expand into the old middle school. These three moves will allow for many expansions in the technology area. Listed below are some of the areas of technology that will be addressed. (1) The current elementary school and middle school have no computer lab. The moves will allow for rooms in both the elementary school and the middle school to be dedicated to computer labs. The lab at the middle school will be equipped with computers currently in use at the high school. The new high school will have one computer lab equipped with new computers. The elementary school lab will be equipped with computers donated to the school by a Nashville business. Hopefully this will increase the accessibility for students and teachers alike. (2) Currently all classrooms have at least one Internet ready computer. More computers are planned for the classrooms with the fewest computers to help integrate the use of technology into classroom instruction. (3) Upgrade and maintain software programs currently in place at the schools. The elementary school is currently using Accelerated Reading as an additional reading material. New books and tests are constantly being added to the school library. (4) Additional computers are needed in the labs and the classrooms that have some type of Word Processing/ Database program on them. This needs to be a uniform software program throughout the system. (5) Add additional software packages that increase student proficiency in reading, math, and writing. (6) A Local Area Network (LAN) is in place at all schools as well as the central office. Plans are underway to establish a Wide Area Network (WAN) to allow for communication between schools and staff. A System Web Site was recently established with the help of a person from the community and is being hosted on a server at the central office. Plans are for links to each school as well as the central office with information such as school events, homework assignments, school and district news, links to other important Web Sites, and other important information for students and parents. (7) Upgrade and /or replace older computers that do not meet the needs of the students and staff. Because of the constantly and rapidly changing technology field, many of the computers in our schools are in need of upgrading or replacing. Technology funds as well as donations of computers from local businesses will be used in achieving this goal. (8) The staff will actively search for, research, and apply for grants available for the technology needs of our schools.
The Knowledge Component
(1) Provide ongoing professional development to teachers that demonstrate their willingness to integrate the use of technology into their classroom. This will be achieved through multi-session in-service programs, after school workshops conducted by more competent staff members, community members invited to participate in the improvement and the development of the use of technology, and students that are confident in the use of technology. (2) Share the Technology Plan with educators and give them the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan. (3) Continue the current Technology committee with a representative from each school, but add members of the community and students as members of the committee. (4) Send representatives from each school to workshops and conferences that provide information for technology integration in the classroom. They may then share the information gathered during faculty meetings or local in-service programs. (5) Establish a committee to study the present courses being offered in technology to determine the needs of the students at all schools. Additional courses would be offered in areas of need. (6) Train staff in developing things such as newsletters to be posted on the Web Site to improve communication with parents. (7) Have workshops for community members to increase their knowledge of technology. (8) Committee to review the need for specialized and advanced academic courses that are currently unavailable. If a need exists, research will be done to determine the best method for providing these services. (9) Provide students with instruction and practice in the use of computers and related technology for gathering, examining, and using information. (10) Provide a system of evaluation of technology integration in the classroom to help teachers increase their effectiveness through technology and enable students to exhibit proficiency in all areas. The Technology Coordinator will meet with the Adult Education Supervisor a minimum of twice a year to develop long range plans for Adult Education. The Tech Coordinator will serve as a support person in regard to the technology aspect of Adult Education. An Adult Education Computer lab will assist Adult Education students in GED preparation and basic computer skills.
I. Review of Policies and Procedures
The following policies and procedures have been reviewed for this plan: Descriptor Code Title 1.805 Use of Electronic Mail 2.806 Bids and Quotations 3.300 Equipment and Supplies Management 4.400 Instructional Resources and Materials 4.401 Selection of Instructional Materials (other than textbooks) 4.404 Use of Copyrighted Materials 4.406 Use of the Internet 4.407 Web Pages 4.702 Evaluation of Instructional Program 5.113 In-service and Staff Development Opportunities Trousdale County Acceptable Use Policy for Students Trousdale County Acceptable Use Policy for Staff
II. Funding
The funds to accomplish the goals set forth in this plan will come from the following sources: (1) The Technology Budget will be used mainly for the upgrading, replacing, and upkeep of existing hardware and software. (2) Title I Funds will be used to upgrade and maintain certain software programs, offer additional courses for students, and workshops and training for teachers. (3) Title IIA Funds will be used for training and workshops for teachers and staff. (4) Title VI Funds will be used to upgrade or replace software programs used by teachers and students. (5) E-Rate Funds will be used to add additional hardware and software to the district inventory. (6) EdTech Funds will be used to add additional hardware and software to the district inventory and to provide training and workshops for teachers. (7) Other Funds such as Vocational, Carl Perkins and others will be used in the areas designated for them to increase computer hardware inventory. (8) Grants will be pursued to obtain additional funding for various other technology needs.
III. Evaluation
Evaluation of the various goals of this plan will be evaluated in a number of different ways. The goals in the Physical Component of this plan will be evaluated as follows; (1) The maintenance of the software programs already in place at the schools will be constantly monitored so as to limit the amount of time that the programs are down. (2) The addition of hardware and software to further strengthen academic achievement will be monitored through the increased inventories of computers and associated software. (3) The Networks and Web site will be monitored constantly to assure proper function and use. (4) Student achievement will be monitored through the evaluation of their portfolios.
The goals of the Knowledge Component will be monitored as follows; (1) The successful implementation of a particular program, whether it be a new course, an in-service program, or other programs will be the first evaluation. (2) Surveying teachers to find the number of teachers integrating technology into their classrooms, to find if they use technology for administrative tasks, if they are using the Web pages, if they are attending and receiving useful information from workshops, inservices, etc. (3) Committees will report any needs that they deem necessary.
IV. Leadership The implementation of the technology plan is the major responsibility of the technology coordinator. Additional support is provided by the following staff members: · Director of Schools provides budgetary support and consultation regarding the district's plan as it relates to technology. · Supervisor of Instruction provides support for curriculum and instruction. · Federal Programs Coordinator consults on existing programs and funds available. · School Principals provide support for implementing technology in their school as it relates to their school improvement plans. · Teachers provide input to the technology coordinator as to the technology plans for their specific classroom and representatives serve on the technology committee. · Community and Parent representatives serve on the technology committee to provide input. · Students serve on technology committee to provide input.